Establishing Generic character roles.

  The “Attractive” female:
The conventions of this particular character type is that they are normally of lesser intelligence of the other characters, however, none of the other characters are normally that bright either. The “Attractive” female is normally just in the film to fulfil the role of sex appeal normally appearing in a bikini or the like, normally appearing on the poster or box art, they also are normally one of the last characters to die, sometimes even the last, becoming the sole survivor of the situation.

 “The Jock”
  The jock is normally shown as the least intelligent of all of the characters. If in a school situation the Jock will bully the least hot male and female. He will also use phrases along the lines of “Ha. Gay” Normally presented as a homophobe, but in some cases, he is secretly gay. Will normally be into sports such as American or European football, as they are normally presented as the most popular, they will also be a super popular and normally dating the “Attractive” female. They are also normally muscular but however die first due to their cockiness, so like over estimating his own strength.

The “Unattractive” female
  The unattractive female will normally be the “Attractive” female’s best friend, normally used to make the “attractive” female appear more attractive than she actually is by comparison. The “Unattractive” female is normally also good friends with the nerd, or just sympathetic to him. She will normally be in the first or second character to die normally due to the actions of the “attractive” female character, she is also shown to be more intelligent than the jock and the “attractive” female characters, but less intelligent than the nerd and their friend.

  The nerd
 The nerd is normally portrayed as an outcast in the group, normally a target for bullying from The Jock character. However, the nerd will normally know one very critical piece of information about whatever they are fighting, for example, they will know how the zombie virus is transmitted or how to actually kill the zombies. The nerd will also normally be on the verge of a breakthrough before they die, like using a piece of pop culture reference to work out how to sort out the whole situation, or instead of them dying at this point they will use this information to save themselves.

 The nerd’s friend

  The nerd’s friend is normally bullied along with the nerd by the jock, also normally he is presented as gay so that the jock can bully him because of that. He will normally be with the nerd throughout the whole film, helping him with his plans on how to keep alive. He will also normally be presented as the second most intelligent of all of the cast, and will help the nerd to work out what is going on with the problem at hand, he will also normally understand every pop culture reference that the nerd makes.

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